Here Kitty Kitty!!
by Mr. Miller |
Here's three ferocious feline fables of the paperback nature will surely give one pause when Mittens gives you that half-eyed glare. I'm sure there are quite a few more killer kitty paperbacks out there, but these three fall into a strict category. That category being the category of paperback books that Mr. Miller has read that involve killer cats. |
PAPERBACKS; The Source For The Best Horror Stories
by Mr. Miller |
If there's two things that Mr. Miller likes it's horror and paperback novels. Put the 70's on that list and you've got three. When I was just a wee little lad I couldn't get enough of those cheap softbound volumes of sensational, terrifying, and oft times lascivious and lurid stories. Mr. Miller was a warped kid, you can gather that much from all this. |
Apes Vs. Apes
by Barry Meyer |
Why mess with a classic. It's a classic for a reason.
Don't Play With The Apes!! You'll Only Get Hurt.
by Barry Meyer |
Beneath the Planet of the Apes brings us back to the Ape Planet to catch up with some old chums. If you've seen any of the Ape films you'll wonder why the hell Tim Burton would want to do a remake of the original. Check out this review of the 2nd film in the Planet of the Apes saga - Beneath the Planet of the Apes. Full of kookie apes who do battle with some creepy A-bomb loving underground mutants. It's a madhouse!! |
Tim Burton - Keep Your Stinking Paws Off This Movie!
by Barry Meyer |
Tim Burton has already ruined the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, so why should he stop there? In the shadow of the impending release of the latest "visitation" of the Planet of the Apes, I had a desperate need to watch the original masterpiece. |