Mr. Miller Remembers by Mr. Miller

Hi there! Mr. Miller here. Your friendly neighbor down the street.

Say! Do you remember those good ol' days. The times when you'd crawl outta bed on a Saturday morning, fill that bowl up with sugar crusted cereal and plop down in front of the idiot box to visit with your cartoon pals? You know, the times before kids brought their uzi to school.

Hi there! Mr. Miller here. Your friendly neighbor down the street.

Say! Do you remember those good ol' days. The times when you'd crawl outta bed on a Saturday morning, fill that bowl up with sugar crusted cereal and plop down in front of the idiot box to visit with your cartoon pals? You know, the times before kids brought their uzi to school.

Remember when you could buy a Marathon candy bar, a pack of Bottlecaps and a House of Mystery comic book down at the corner store for under 50¢? Remember Big Wheels, and Kerplunk! ? How about when they use to play old horror movies on Saturday afternoons, and kids variety shows on Sunday mornings? Remember when all you needed was to play with your friends in your own neighborhood? And riding a bike would be good enough, even when you were 17? Do you remember good ol' movies like Gumball Rally; Frogs; and the Planet of the Apes sequels? How about simple games like Freeze Tag, Mother May I, Kick the Can, and Cops and Robbers?

Seems like those innocent days are gone. Now kids need the latest gadgets to have their fun and games. The movies are getting more and more graphic. Imagination is no longer an element in the lives of children. It's a shame, eh?

Copyright 2002